Efrat Gazit

Efrat Gazit - Partner
Senior Trainer and Consultant


Specializes in:
Communicating with Different Interfaces (Inbound and Outbound)
Selling and Influence
Presentation Skills
Strengthscope accredited coach
What drives me?
Effective communication makes all the  difference. The way we communicate constitutes a large part of who we are, how people react to us and what we can achieve. When we know how to communicate effectively, endless opportunities open up for us to grow, to influence and to live fuller, richer lives. My purpose is to bring people to believe this truth and implement it successfully so that they can make an even greater impact in the world.
Experience Summary:
Efrat has over 19 years experience facilitating workshops and coaching clients from numerous industries, including high tech, pharmaceutical, investment and advertising. Her clients have included senior managers, salespeople, engineers, physicians, accountants, and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

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